​​​​​​​Pilgrimage Church of the Coronation of Mary

Foto zeigt den Altar der Kirche in Lautenbach von innen

The late Gothic pilgrimage church of the Coronation of Mary in Lautenbach was built from 1471 to 1488 on top of the old pilgrimage site. The church is a monument, unique in its originality, to the faith and understanding of art of the people of the late 15th century.

Visit one of the guided church tours from May to October:

Sunday: 11am
Meeting point: in front of the main portal

(For groups on request)


​​​​​​​Pilgrimage Church of the Coronation of Mary

Kath. Pfarramt
Mariä Krönung
Hauptstraße 75
77794 Lautenbach

01. November bis 31. März:
täglich ab 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr

01. April bis 31. Oktober:
täglich ab 8:00 - 19:00 Uhr