When pushing the door open to go into a village bakery, good old tradition tells us we want to hear a bell ring as we do so. Tradition also includes things such as pretzels, bread rolls, farmer’s loaves, and Linzertorte and braided yeast buns. Where does it all come from? From our very own bakeries, of course. In the Renchtal, the art of cuisine holds its own. It’s simply a part of us! We know each other, we ask how it’s going and send best wishes on the way. That’s how Baden’s hospitality and speciality shopping goes. Almost everywhere in the Renchtal there are still local bakers and butchers. They have been “in business” for so long and work according to old recipes. All of them have their homemade specialities. One does it this way, the other that way. It’s delicious everywhere. That there are also many beekeepers, a nationally known brewery with beer garden and a special oil mill with extraordinary (organic) products, must also be mentioned. In the past, these things were everywhere. And today? In the Renchtal. Does it ring a bell?